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Social Media Influencers In The UAE: How To Become One & Potential Earnings

The number of social media influencers in the UAE has kept increasing over the past few years. The influencer industry of UAE started out of people’s passion and hobby. But it has now turned into a full-time profession of more than 400+ social media influencers. 

The influencer marketing of UAE has paved the way for brands, attracting both UAE and global companies. Becoming a social media influencer and starting earning through it looks a little difficult, but in reality, it just needs your time, passion, and hard work. 

Let’s take a look at how one can reach the top of the ladder of Social Media Influencers in the UAE.

Top Social Media Influencers In UAE In 2024

The greatest name among UAE social media influencers is Huda Kattan. She started her social media just as a simple beauty blogger and vlogger. Now, she is a renowned founder of Huda Beauty, a makeup brand. Her content left an impact on over 53.2M followers. As per Forbes, the net worth of Huda Kattan is about USD 550 Million, making her the 37th richest self-made woman in the world. 

Similarly, there are hundreds of social media influencers like Mo vlogs, Taim AlFalasi, Khalid Al Ameri, Abdul Aziz, Hala, and many more. Each started their blogs and social media just out of passion and now own millions of followers. 

How To Become Top Influencers in UAE? Tips

  1. Avoid Shortcuts

The foremost tip to becoming a top influencer is to avoid taking shortcuts. Becoming a top influencer is a whole process of consistent work, hard work, confidence, and passion. You can’t just think of becoming an influencer overnight. 

Create a plan, strategize your goals, and slowly move towards them. Consistently create content and post it. Most importantly, instead of showing your efforts, be more realistic. People tend to love faster with people showing their real side to the world. 

To become realistic and approachable, connect with your followers. Reply to their comments, DMs, and emails. In short, consistency, patience, and hard work are the keys to becoming a successful top Influencer in the UAE. 

  1. Stand In Competition

Social Media Influencer is a highly competitive field. The high competition makes it more challenging for a person to step into the industry and leave their imprint. But if you stay in the competition, and post relevant content, you’d definitely survive the pressure.

Build a reliable community, where you understand your audience and create content as per their interest. It doesn’t matter if you have a small number of followers at the start. The way you leave an impact on your followers matters. This is the key to greater earning as a social creator in the UAE.

  1. When To Start

There’s no time limit in which you surely become a top UAE influencer. It is a whole journey of effort, consistency, and patience. Sometimes it took a few years to grow while sometimes more than that. So, if you really want to leave an impact on society with your content, never give up.

Starting your business as a social influencer can be tough but not impossible. Only people with utter passion can grow. Keep posting. Keep creating content. And Keep sharing who you are. It is believed that only 1 out of 100 people have patience and can survive this long journey. 

Social media surely opens up a whole new world of success for you which demands patience and trust. However, if you have a goal of quick earning then growing as a social media influencer wouldn’t be your fit. 

  1. Event Charges

Social media influencers in the UAE are mainly categorized as Macro-influencers and Micro-influencers. Macro influencers charge up to Dh 20,000 while micro-influencers charge between Dh 500 to Dh 4,000.

However, the payment mainly depends on the influencer’s engagement rate, content format, creative level, and requirements of the brand. The pay may also increase up to Dh 50k for celebrity-like influencers.

Final Thoughts

With the rise of social media users, the number of social media influencers has also risen over the years in the UAE. The UAE influencer industry has taken a turn and is becoming a source of great earnings. This has inspired several users to start creating content and become influencers on social media. Vavo Digital connects brands with passionate social media influencers. If you are a struggling influencer looking for a brand to start your first gig. Contact our team for further information.

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