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How To Leverage YouTube Influencer Marketing In UAE

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As the number of social media users rises in the UAE, YouTube is also becoming a hot platform. UAE is on the top of the list of YouTube penetration with a rating of 98.7%

With the increase in the number of YouTube users, brands are considering it an effective way to target a bigger audience to market their products and services. Video content is considered the most effective way to target an audience in today’s era. 

YouTube, no doubt, is the largest video platform. Though other social media, like TikTok and Instagram, also feature reel and IGTV options for video content, YouTube will always remain at the top. 

The number of YouTube influencers is growing rapidly in the UAE, which opens up a window for brands to collaborate with them for their marketing campaigns. Let’s take a look at what YouTube influencer marketing is and how you can use it for your brand.

What is YouTube Influencer Marketing?

There are 4000+ YouTube content creators present in the UAE with a few thousand to millions of followers. A Youtuber creates videos on specific topics and shares his honest view, reaction, or opinion. 

People love honest reviews and real-life talks. Hence these YouTubers have a great influence on their viewers. There are different types of YouTubers available and you can collaborate with them in a variety of ways. 

Top YouTube influencers in UAE include Zamzam Electronics Trading, Shfa, Noor Stars, Supercar Blondie, Nas Daily, Tarek Ali, Mo Vlogs, and so much more. 

Tips To Incorporate YouTube Influencer Marketing Campaign In Your Business

  1. Specify Your Marketing Goals

Just like any other type of marketing, the very first step in creating YouTube influencer marketing for your business is to specify your goals. 

Create a whole plan of what you want to achieve with your marketing, which KPIs should be your priority, where you wanna bring change, and how you want to see your business after the campaign. 

Specifying your marketing goals will help you and the YouTube influencer create a campaign and content that addresses all your goals. 

  1. Find the Right YouTube Influencer

Choosing the right YouTube influencer for promoting your brand and product is an essential step to creating a successful marketing campaign. Advertising your brand on YouTube is the same as marketing it on television. 

Just like you cannot market your kitchen accessory in a fashion show, similarly you cannot market your product on a YouTube channel that does not resonate with your brand. 

In simple words, ensure that the YouTube influencer you choose belongs to the same niche as your product. Consider the demographics of their audience and see whether you want to target them or not.

  1. Spend Appropriately And Build Connections

Well, on TV you cannot just advertise your brand without any cost. You have to spend a fortune to bring your advertisement to your favorite channel at the right time for a specific period. 

Similarly, YouTube influencer marketing demands the same advertisement spending enthusiasm from businesses. Before stepping into YouTube influencer marketing, create your budget. 

If you have a limited budget then target YouTubers with a lesser audience. Smaller audience YouTube channels are also an effective way to attract them. 

You just have to put in extra effort by engaging with them. Engage with their audience through comments, by sharing content on social media, and by clearing their queries. 

  1. Give Full Authority Of The Content To Influencer 

YouTubers have a way of creating content that certainly attracts such a large audience. Remember that, viewers do not come to their channel to see your content but theirs.

So if you want to advertise your pre-existing content on their YouTube channel then you are at fault. This not only affects their viewership but also leads to a failed marketing campaign. 

Therefore, give full authority to your YouTube influencer to create the content in their own way. This way, they can better target the audience and influence them to get your product or services. 

Final Thoughts

YouTube influencer marketing is becoming an effective way of raising awareness for your brand in the UAE. You can use distinct methods to collaborate with Youtubers, either by gifting your product to them or paying them for their content.

However, if you still need help in finding the right YouTube influencer for your brand marketing you can reach out to us. We at Vavo Digital assist our clients with the best marketing services in UAE to help them reach the highest ranks of success.

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