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Content Marketing In The UAE: Step By Step Guide

Content marketing is a smart plan where businesses make and share valuable, related, and regular content to draw in and keep a target crowd. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), content marketing has grown key as companies look to reach out to customers in a deeper way. 

The Digital Media market in the United Arab Emirates is projected to grow by 4.95% (2024-2027) resulting in a market volume of US$936.30m in 2027.

By creating top-notch content that clicks with the local crowd, businesses can get more known, be seen as leaders, and get more customer interest. In a place with lots of competition like the UAE, good content marketing can make businesses pop and grow steadily. 

From social media updates and blog posts to videos and simple picture charts, there are many ways businesses in the UAE can use content marketing to hit their goals.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is about making and sharing good, helpful stuff on free sites to pull in and keep people who might buy what you offer. This type of marketing uses lots of different ways to share, like blog posts, videos, social media, slides, podcasts, and even paper magazines.

The goal is to teach, entertain, and grab the interest of people without being too pushy about selling something.

As of June 2023, over 8.9 thousand Instagram content creators in the UAE had between 10 to 50 thousand followers. Meanwhile, influencers with more than one million followers reached more than 400 people.

By always giving out great stuff, content marketing can make you look like an expert in your field, help people trust you, and in the end, get more people to buy what you’re selling.

How To Get Started Content Marketing In UAE?

Content marketing is a strong way for brands in the UAE to connect with their people. Local businesses understand that by giving their customers good, useful content, they can build trust, be seen more, and in the end, make more money from their marketing work.

Getting ready is important when starting on the content marketing path, and getting help from a UAE content firm can lead to the best gains.

But what does setting up a content marketing plan look like? Here’s a simple guide for UAE marketers:

  1. Identify The Target Audience

The foremost step to start content marketing is to understand your target audience. UAE is a home of diverse people of age, culture, and language. Identify your services and see which group of people you want to be your audience, whom you wanna target, and who will buy your services. 

Your brand’s message, the services you provide, and the product you sell determine the type of audience you will need. You can simply grasp the idea of your target audience by considering the following demographics:

  • Age (Young / Adult / Elders)
  • Gender
  • Language / Nationality (national UAEs or Expats)
  • Residency ( Specific part of UAE / whole country)
  • Profession/ Income Status
  1. Create A Content Strategy

Without a clear plan for your content, your efforts to market it might not work well, or could even fail. It’s a good idea to work with someone skilled in making content plans at this stage, as they can make sure your plan fits your main marketing goals. A content plan usually has:

  • Clear goals for the content
  • Measures of success
  • Details on who the content is for
  • A schedule for creating and sharing content
  • A plan for getting the content out there
  • A way to check and improve the content
  1. Publish Your Content

This may look simple, but there’s a lot to think about before making and sharing content. Once you know who you’re making it for and have a plan, stick to your schedule until it’s time to check how everything’s going.

  • You can share content in several ways:
  • Create new content with your team
  • Get content made by experts
  • Use content from trusted sources with permission
  1. Measure Your Analytics And Optimize

The work doesn’t stop after sharing content. It’s important to keep checking how your content is doing and change your plan as needed to make sure it keeps bringing good results. Regular checks with help from experts mean your content can do its best.

Get Help From Vavo Digital 

Content marketing has become a significant marketing tool among UAE-based brands to attract a broad audience. Vavo Digital will assist brands in creating a successful content marketing strategy in 2024. Contact us for more information about content creation and marketing. 

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