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Influencer Marketing Reporting: How To Measure Success

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Struggling with measuring the success of your influencer marketing campaign? Well, reporting influencer marketing is a difficult process but not an impossible one. In this blog post, let’s take a look at how to report and measure the success of influencer marketing. 

Metrics To Measure In Influencer Marketing Report

By measuring the following metrics and ROI will help you report the success. 

  1. Engagement

Engagement includes metrics like comments, likes, reach, and impressions. Comments and likes are visible to the public. You can easily evaluate the number of likes and positive comments the influencer post gets. 

Use the following formula to measure the engagement rate:

No. of post interactions/ no. of followers * 100 = Engagement rate

If you do not have access to the personal analytics of the influencer, then ask for it. Personal analytics gives insight into the deeper metrics like reach and impressions. By evaluating the impressions and reach of the post, you can see how many non-followers view and interact with the post. This data is actually helpful in your influencer marketing reporting. 

  1. # Of Posts

Hashtags help you understand the number of posts the influencer generated for your campaign. Influencers use general hashtags about the brand and specific hashtags related to your marketing campaign. 

To measure the KPI of your campaign posts, search the specific hashtags of your campaign and see how many posts the influencer has created. It will also help you see the feedback of the audience on your marketing campaign.

  1. Traffic

Traffic is the main metric in an influencer marketing report. It indicates the number of viewers you get on your website through the influencer post. Some viewers come to the website directly from the influencer post.

Whereas, some take their time, read reviews, and then land on your page. Therefore, make sure to check the traffic of your site during and after the campaign to see the traffic. Use Google Analytics to check the success rate. 

According to the report of Statista, around 19% of marketers show that influencer marketing brings traffic to their websites.

  1. Sales

Sales is also a leading metric in an influencer marketing campaign. The increase in sales rate directly shows that your marketing is working. It is difficult to measure between organic sales and influencer-generated sales. 

Therefore, consider using coupons and discount codes affiliated with your influencer. The second thing you can do is evaluate the click and conversion rate. When the audience clicks on your influencer ads, you can measure the success rate. 

Tips To Make Influencer Marketing Reporting Successful

  1. Specify your goals of reach, engagement, and viewership. Start measuring the qualitative ROI. This way, you can directly measure the metrics and see the desired results.
  2. Do not just rely on the metrics of a few posts. Always give your campaign some time to grow. The post takes time to reach a specific audience. If you start measuring the metric in just a few days, then there might be a chance that you miss the metrics of a post that is about to go viral. 
  3. Set your performance benchmark. Specify how much engagement you want. Compare it with your industry competitors and then see your results. For instance, if your post is just gaining 200 views on average and your influencer post gains 200k+ views, you have not hit the jackpot yet. See your competitor’s viewership and then compare whether you are at a level of their competition. 
  4. Consistent reporting and measurement is essential for a successful marketing campaign. Social media is a fast-paced world where everything changes overnight. Therefore, consistently track the metrics of your influencer and bring changes accordingly if needed. 

How To Successfully Measure The Influencer Marketing Report

You can always use a go-to method of spreadsheet. However, writing down the data and metrics of each post on a sheet manually is time-consuming. You can also make mistakes while writing numbers. Therefore, it is best to get help from an expert marketing team.

Vavo Digital is a leading marketing company in the UAE. Our expert marketing team ensures that you don’t have to struggle with the complex metrics game. We access the influencer marketing data in real-time and ensure to consistently report our clients. 

Whether you need help with measuring your influencer marketing campaign success or want us to take over the whole marketing campaign, contact us. We ensure to provide you with the best services and help you get the desired result through your influencer marketing campaign.

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