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5 Ways Instagram Marketing Will Help You Elevate Your Brand In UAE

Are you wondering how Instagram Marketing will help you raise the status of your brand in the UAE? If you don’t know what to do and how to take the first step in Instagram marketing then don’t worry. In this blog post, we will cover the details about what Instagram marketing is. You’ll also learn some ways to enhance the effect of Instagram marketing for your brand’s success. 

So without wasting any time, let’s get started.

What Is Instagram Marketing?

Instagram is the second most used social media platform in the UAE. According to Global Statistics, the UAE has 7.70 million Instagram users. As the user count of Instagram increases, it opens up a window for Instagram marketing. United Arab Emirates is not only a home of Instagram users but it is also a resident of great Instagram influencers. 

These Instagram influencers have a great influence on changing the focus of consumer behavior. With a large number of followers, they have the upper hand in raising brand awareness and showcasing a positive brand image. When people see their favorite celebrities promoting a brand, they are eventually forced to buy its services. 

5 Ways To Enhance The Effect Of Your Instagram Marketing 

Instagram marketing is an effective way of promoting your products, services, and brand. It helps you to generate more leads and better revenue. However, you have to face high competition. The following 5 tips will help you get positive results from your Instagram marketing campaign.

  1. Create A Business Account

The first step to marketing your business on Instagram is creating a business account. For creating a business open profile. Go to the settings and change the profile view to business mode. With a business profile, followers can easily contact and reach out to you through DMs or a link to your website in your bio. 

The link to the website allows them to get access to your products without any effort. Moreover, you can also create product ads on your business account with the free tools of Instagram. Most importantly, the business profile shows you the real-time analytics of the reach, impressions, and views of audiences.

  1. Use Free Tools For Instagram

The Instagram business account has the same features as the Facebook business account. You can use the free tools of Instagram and see the whole analytics and stats of your audience. These tools also allow you to filter the results based on gender, location, age, and engagement rates. It enables you to seamlessly plan the marketing campaign and target audience.

  1. Post Teasers Of Your Product

Your main goal in Instagram marketing is attracting the audience. Posting teasers before introducing products will help the audience to understand what they are going to see. Offering a little bit of discounts and deals is also a good option. This way, your audience will get more excited to see the launch of the product instead of getting annoyed and afraid. 

  1. Make Sponsored Ads

The best way to use Instagram for marketing is by creating sponsored ads. The sponsored ads allow you to manage your budget and only spend what you can afford. These ads directly target the right amount of audience, who genuinely are interested in your brand’s product and services. 

Many brands in the UAE are getting help from sponsored ads to attract and engage audiences. You can also sponsor your ad and showcase more than one product with a carousel feature. Sponsored ads can be of different types like stories, posts, carousels, and reels. This way you can target a larger audience. 

  1. Use Hashtags Carefully

The Hashtags are the dominant element to increase the discoverability of your post. They help the post to rank higher in the stat and reach the feed of non-followers. Instagram allows you to use 30 hashtags in one post. However, if you use all 30 in one post, it will make you an inauthentic page. 

Therefore, it is important to always use hashtags carefully. Use only hashtags that match your post and keep the count under 10. 

Wrapping Up

If your brand is looking for ways to enhance the influence of Instagram marketing in the UAE, then the above-mentioned tips will surely help you. However, if you still need help with your marketing campaign, don’t hesitate to reach out to us

Vavo Digital is committed to providing you with a trained Instagram marketing team and connecting you with high-end influencers. The strategic ways of both influencers and our team ensure the success of your business.

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