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Top 6 Lifestyle Influencers In UAE To Follow In 2024

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is like a beautiful blend of traditions and upcoming styles. It’s home to the world’s most popular Lifestyle Influencers. They represent the beauty and the heartwarming nature of the UAE. Through their voices and videos, they take you on a ride to explore and appreciate the wonderful land which has a rich history and advanced vision. 

In 2024, if you want to dive into creativity, opportunities, and cultural values with a touch of the Middle East in your life, here are the top 6 lifestyle influencers in the UAE you must follow. 

Top 6 Lifestyle Influencers of UAE In 2024

  1. Noor Stars 

Noor Stars shine bright with her hard-won success. By working hard, Noor became a big name on YouTube

Here’s why her story grabs you:

  • Early Life: She came from a hard place, born in a camp.
  • Growth: She climbed up to fame with her mix of fun and deep talks.
  • Accomplishments: She’s won the Arab Social Media Star.

Noor lights the way for all, from rough starts to big dreams.

  1. Anas Marwah 

Anas Marwah shares a cozy peek into his family life in the UAE. 

What makes them stand out:

  • They’re loved by over 6M people on their channel!
  • Their videos mix laughter, fun tests, and cool trips.
  • They’ve been named the Best Arab Family Video Makers!

Anas and Asala’s clips feel like a warm online home. It’s a lovely way to see life through their lens and maybe pick up a thing or two about love and joy.

  1. Mo Vlogs

Mo Vlogs shows off the high life in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), like no one else. 

Watch him for:

  • Cool cars: See his top cars like Lamborghini and Ferraris.
  • Fancy living: Dive into his day-to-day life full of luxury.
  • Smart business tips: Get ideas from his money-making projects.

With over 11 million fans, Mo is a go-to for fun and smart content. Check out Mo Vlogs for fun and fancy stuff!

  1. Khalid Al Ameri

Khalid Al Ameri is a storyteller who touches hearts everywhere. 

Here’s why he stands out:

  • He speaks to the world: With over 2M followers, Khalid shares tales that show off the UAE’s culture and our common bonds.
  • See the UAE through his eyes: His videos are more than fun; they let you into the heart of his country, its old ways, and its new sides.
  • Smart and noted: Khalid is not just smooth; he’s educated at Stanford and called one of the ‘100 Most Powerful Arabs.’

In 2024, Khalid Al Ameri is your man if you want fun and wisdom mixed together. His mix of smart, funny, and heartfelt stories makes him stand out.

  1. Bin Baz

Bin Baz is a big name in Middle East fun. He’s known for making folks laugh.

Here’s why you should tune in:

  • Funny guy: Bin Baz can make you laugh with his quick wit.
  • Stuff you get: He talks about daily things, making it easy to relate.
  • Prizes and nods: He’s not just liked; he’s also awarded, like the Best Influencer in the UAE, showing he’s top in entertainment.

Bin Baz is someone to watch. If you like a good laugh and a bit of thinking, you’ll want to follow him!

  1. Ghaith Marvan

Ghaith Marwan shines bright in the UAE’s mix of many cultures. 

Let’s see how he stands out:

  • Loves all cultures: Ghaith’s videos and posts cover lots of topics like daily life, trips, style, and beauty. He shows how the UAE is a place where many cultures come together.
  • Big audience: His special way of sharing stories has brought him millions of fans. He even won a big award for being the top Arab male online star.
  • UAE pride: Ghaith shows what the UAE is all about. His work highlights how the country loves and welcomes different cultures.

So, Ghaith Marwan is not just a star online; he’s an example of the UAE’s lively mix of people.


These six stars are the life of the UAE’s fun world online. They bring smiles, tips, and smart thoughts, making them the top folks to follow in 2024. If you’re after outfit ideas, places to see, or just good vibes, these influencers have got you all covered. Vavo Digital helps companies collaborate with the best UAE influencers. Vavo Digital has been helping brands to connect with the best lifestyle influencers of UAE in 2024. Contact us now to get yourself the best influencer now.

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